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Q: Does taking vesicare or elmiron make you have a metallic smell to your urine?
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What is a metallic smell in the nose a symptom of?

Iron man

Why you smell metallic odor in breath?

metabolic disorder

Does neptunium have a smell?

Neptunium is a radioactive metallic element, and as such, it does not have a distinct smell. It is not typically found in nature but is produced in laboratories for research purposes.

Does fools gold have a smell?

Fool's gold, also known as pyrite, does not typically have a distinct smell. It is a mineral composed of iron sulfide and is often found in metallic-looking crystals or in sedimentary rock formations.

What does cooper smell like?

Copper typically does not have a smell on its own. However, when it comes into contact with skin, it can sometimes leave a metallic odor.

What does holmium smell like?

Holmium is a metallic element and does not have a distinct smell. It is typically stored in a sealed container and is not known to produce any odor.

What does an iron nail smell like?

An iron nail does not have a distinctive smell. If you smell something metallic when handling an iron nail, it could be due to the oils or dirt on the nail transferring to your hands.

After a lightning strike what is the smell?

After a lightning strike, the smell often reported is ozone. Ozone has a sharp, metallic scent that is reminiscent of chlorine or bleach.

How does a robot smell?

Well it depends. Most robots will either be clean and new and smell very metallic or have no smell at all. Or you could get an old one that hasn't been cleaned or looked after that will smell of rust and general dirt.

What kind of drugs would smell like skunk or a sweet metallic and chemical odor?


What is the smell of hydrogen?

Hydrogen gas itself is odorless. However, commercial hydrogen can sometimes contain impurities that may give it a slightly metallic or ammonia-like smell.

Does chromium have a smell?

Pure chromium does not have a distinct smell. However, certain chromium compounds can emit a metallic or slightly sweet odor.