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You must check with your doctor or pharmacist as to how long you have to wait between doses. Some medicines may require 6 hour intervals between doses however many say 4-6 hours. Those which you can take every 4 hours will leave you with 8 hours of sleep without a dosage and will work just as effectively.

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16y ago
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16y ago

Either that, or after every meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

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11y ago

Yes, usually it is so. Twice a day means 12 hours apart, so it is more convenient to take 1 dose in the morning and 12 hours later, 1 dose at night.

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13y ago

Yes, one in the morning and one at night

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Q: Does taking antibiotics 2 times a day mean every 12 hours?
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Does taking medicine 5 times a day mean every 3 hours?

Taking medication 3 times a day is basically the same thing as taking it every 8 hours. When it says 3 times a day, you do not have to make sure it is exactly every 8 hours but just close to that time range.

How many times a day is once every 12 hours?

This would be twice or two (2) times a day. If you're taking medication that prescribes once every 12 hours, this typically results in taking a dose at breakfast and at dinner times, or at 7 am and 7 pm.

What does taking a pill 4 times a day mean in hours?

That means take it every 6 hours. 24 hours in a day, divided by 4 is 6.

Does taking a medicine 5 times a day mean every 3 or 4 hours?

If the 5 times a day are exactly equally spaced, then it meansone dose every 4 hours 48 minutes.If you sleep 8 hours out of the 24, then 5 times a day meanswhen you wake up4 hours after the first one4 hours after the second one4 hours after the third one4 hours after the fourth one just before you go to sleep.

Can antibiotic taken 12 hourly?

2 times per day every 12 hours, 3 times per day every 8 hours 4 times per day every 6 hours.

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every 1 hour it comes together,every 12 hours it meets 11times and every 24 hours it meets 22 times.

what is the estimate you should take your tablets you have been put on on antibiotics and the doctor said you should take 1 tablet 4 times a day and you have no idea when you should take them because?

If you were put on antibiotics, and you are supposed to take one tablet, four times a day, then take them every 6 hours. This will be four tablets, in a 24 hour period. You can always ask your doctor to confirm.

2 times every day?

48 hours

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I havea broken tooth which is severly infected an painful to no end. Currently I am taking 4 aleeve every 5 hours with Motrin or advil every 2 hours , pain goes away no side affects but I have had mild stomach pain a few times , I have been taking these meds for about 3 months now.

How should topical antibiotics be applied?

Topical antibiotics should be applied within four hours after injury. Do not use more than the recommended amount and do not apply it more often than three times a day.

How many hours apart to take abntibiotics taking 4 times a day?


Phenoxymethylpenicillin 250mg one to be taken 4 times a day means every 6 hours?

Yes - since there are 24 hours in a day, to take something four times a day would require you to take it every six hours, on average.