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Yes, but only partially. Sweat has chemicals that cause a smelly odor, but the other body odor cause is the bacteria that hangs around on your body which may happen by not bathing regularly. To eliminate bacteria, wash your hands and bathe every day or every other day.

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Q: Does sweat cause your body odor?
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What glands cause body odor?

sweat glands.

Why does sweat cause you to have odor?

Sweat is the water residue that is as a result of exercise or workout.This is called respiration.Sweat causes body odor since sweat also is a way for the body to release materials not needed in the body and this can come out with sweat. When this materials are mixed with the air outside the body the body is a odor called body odor.

What causes the odor in sweat?

Sweat is what causes body odor. Sweat has the same chemical makeup as your urine at that time. So it depends on what you have ingested. Body odor is actually the drying/fermentation of your sweat. Which is why it can smell so strong. It's been concentrated.

Can you have body odor without knowing it what is the cause?

Fresh sweat is odourless. Body odour is caused by bacteria on our skin!

What Foods that cause you to sweat?

Drinking and eating certain foods can cause body odor and make you sweat. Caffeinated beverages, spicy foods, onions, garlic, cumin, curry and fish are just some of the culprits that can make body odor even worse.

What behaviors can affect body odor?

Activities that make you sweat can affect your body odor.

How do the geeky bacteria create body odor and how can it be prevented?

the odor of your body is occured by sweat.

How does microorganism contribute to body odor?

Body odor refers to the unpleasant smell that is produced when sweating. Microorganisms, particularly bacteria, cause the offensive smell by breaking the sweat into acids.

Sweat and bacteria are the main causes of?

Body Odor

Where does odor come from?

It depends what sort of odor you are asking about. Generally, smell is caused by tiny fragments of a substance being identified by receptors in your nasal passage (nose). If you are talking about the cause of this odor, this can come from a variety of different situations. Body odor, contrary to common belief, is not actually the smell of your sweat but of the bacteria who ingest nutrients found in your sweat. This is why body odor is only particularly fragrant after extended periods of non-washing.

What is the gland that produces natural body odor?

Apocrine sweat glands

What is the cause of body odor?

The genetic disorder Trimethylaminuria causes bad body odor.