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Q: Does sneezing shorten your lifespan
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yes but then it will shorten your lifespan

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Recent study shows it is true that multivitamins may sh0rten ur lifespan.

Does screaming shorten your lifespan?

No. It may damage your voice though. But if it is stressfull screaming, yes. Stress can shorten your life span by a few years.

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No, actually it will benifet health by improved breathing

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no he will not die but it will shorten his lifespan if he uses it for more than 5 minutes

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Yes, there isnt much rubber on them, so they will shorten the lifespan of the rims.

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my guess would B extreme poverty+there envirement shorten's a lifespan tremendusly.

Is Charlie Sheen going todie young?

It is possible since he is a frequent smoker and addicted to drugs and drinking, all of which can shorten your lifespan.

Does Arizona Governor Jan Brewer smoke cigarettes?

I do not know and I do not care. They are an unhealthy, smelly product that may shorten her lifespan. They are not illegal.

Does ink shorten your lifespan?

Only if it is used to sign your death warrant. Or if you are working around it in an industrial setting and exposed to high levels of toxins.