No, Marijuana doesn't affect your pee, however it will show up in a urinalysis test depending on a variety of factors, including how long ago it was smoked (or otherwise ingested), how often you enjoy it, and your body weight. Marijuana clings to your fat cells.
I sorry but I have to say something. I dont know who you are or your situation but whatever it is, it does not give other people, who are obviously IGNORANT and UNEDUCATED on the subject, a right to talk to put you down for YOUR decisions in YOUR life. They dont know you or anything you have been through. If they would have done their research and actually learned something about marijuana before making iggnorent commits that hurt others, they would know that it's not illegal in 33 out of the 50 states. More than half our country agrees with you, not this close-minded, judgmental people with bad attitudes who just showed their ignorance on the world wide web for millions to see.
Smoking marijuana makes you swallow, happy as high and hungry :'D
They never will. Smoking marijuana is illegal, and they aren't going to make a holiday for it.
It will make you fee low
Yes, and also cry.
Why are you asking this? Do you smoke marijuana?
Smoking marijuana can increase your metabolic rate, which will make you feel hotter than usual.
The difference between marijuana and vicodin on your body is, Marijuana is not as addicting as vicodin. Vicodin attacks your liver after a long time of taking them and you can also overdose while marijuana will effect some of your brain cells and make your lips darker.. lol honestly there is no comparing marijuana to vicodin. so if you are smoking marijuana, continue that rather then switching to Vicodin. Thank you- Ms. Watson
No, I think all smoking ages you faster, cigarettes and marijuana. Sources: Experience
It would not make a difference. If you are pregnant please think about quiting cigarettes.It not only smoking marijuana but consuming any kind of drug will affect the pregnancy test results.
yes no maybe so..