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Adults who have reached their full height may gain an inch or so in height as they sleep. During the day, our weight combined with standing/sitting upright compresses the spongy discs between our vertebrae in the spine. At night, the discs decompress, making us just a little taller. You can measure yourself immediately in the morning and then just before bed to see if there is any noticeable difference.

For children still growing, getting the proper amount of sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. During sleep, the body is actively engaged in self-repair and growth at a higher rate than during the day when other demands are placed on bodily resources. Not getting the proper sleep required as a child may have negative physical effects over a prolonged period of time.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes, it does.. sleeping for 8 to 9 hours is needed for growing height.. and important thing sleep flat on your back.

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Q: Does sleep increase height
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What can a teen do to increase his height without any pills or whatever?

Sleep without a pillow

If you are a 5' 5 16-year-old boy and angry because your height has not increased what can you do to increase height?

You can't just "increase your height" whenever you want. It's genetics. Eat healthy, excercise and sleep well to be as tall as your body can be.

How do you get height and weight?

To increase height. Sleep with out a pillow that's all I know

How can a boy increase his height?

Be patient . Good diet, adequate exercise and sleep. Good posture. You can grow up to nineteen.

If I am 17 does sleep help you grow and how much can you grow each year?

ya i have also heard that sleeping can increase our height but sorry i don't know how much it will increase you can consult to a doctor. so, keep sleeping and incrase your height.

Your age is 19 and you want to increase your height in two months?

play basket ball, vollyball and do swimming.........have a good diet and a good sleep........

How can a 15-year-old Filipino who is 5' increase their height?

Healthy eating for one. Definitely exercise and sufficient sleep, both of these activites increase the release of human growth hormone(HGH).

How do you increase my height in 23 age?

how i increase my height at 23 years

Can speed height capsules increase your height?

Capsules for height will show side-effects on your body. You can increase your height naturally.

How can you increase height during puberty?

eating lots ofprotein and greens lowering on sweets lots of sleep no stress hang up side down.

Will height increase if you lose weight?

Yes you can increase height,but not alot You can increase like 1/2 an inch

Is it possible to grow height?

it is possible to increase height if u are below 22 u can increase your height naturally the following steps are:-1. nutrition including boiled chicken , cheese , yoghurt, green and yellow vegetables ,beans,6-8 glasses of water a day.2.exercise is a good way to gain height if u do not exercise your body will grow vertically rather than horizontally.Swimming . running , hanging ,stretching is a good way of lengthen your bones.3. Sleep:-After all day of walking and sitting all around the gravity your spine gets a chance to decompress .Here are some sleeping tips for you:-1.Sleep in a dark room and quiet good smelling.2.Sleep with loose and comfortable clothes 3.Eat before two hours of sleep 4. Sleep flat on your back with legs straight 4.Kick the pillow habit . If u follow these tips you can increase height in 6 weeks and grow 2-3 inches .