well i was on anti depression pills and it didn't really affect my sex drive but if it impairs your ability when on the drug then surely it would be better when your off
It's hard to get your sexual desires back even when it's not due to antidepressants. Daily life wears us down and distracts us from important downtime. Besides the usual techniques that a sex therapist might give you, (adult sex board games, role playing, etc) you could also try switching your antidepressent to Wellbutrin. It is an antidepressent that seems to affect your sex drive the least.
Yes, some antidepressants do have that side effect. Doctors sometimes prescribe something like cialis or Viagra to counteract those side effects of those types of medicines & get back one's sex drive and performance.
9 days
Chevy Nova is the car that was in the movie sex drive.
a person's sex drive or the desire to have sex.
Yes, it may decrease the sex drive.
It depends on the boy. They all release at different times.
Yes alcoholic beverages can lower a man's sex drive.
Scorpio's sex drive is twice as strong as Geminis.
Elevated sex drive refers to an increased level of sexual desire or libido. It is a normal variation in sexual function and can be triggered by a variety of physical and psychological factors. However, a persistently elevated treatment for low sex drive that causes distress or interferes with daily life may indicate an underlying medical or psychological condition, such as hypersexual disorder. It is important to seek professional help if one is concerned about their sexual drive or behavior.
Yes, hypOthyroid conditions usually affect the patient's sex drive.