Any amount of caffeine has the possibility to cause wrinkles. Other factors contribute to wrinkles such as smoking, sun exposure, and age.
No. Hand wrinkles are normal and you can't get wrinkles from typing.
Those would have to be some awfully big wrinkles to cause a backache!
it can cause by sitting for hours on computer!
yes it stretches out your skin
Any wrinkles form vacuum storage bags can easily be ironed out as necessary.
You may need both Botox to relax the muscles which cause the wrinkles and Restylane to fill furrows and grooves.
Decubitus ulcers
Virtually all facial expressions cause wrinkles to form. That is one reason using some injected chemicals for wrinkles freeze a muscle or three and cause that person to be ubable to make certain facial expressions. Wrinkles, and dry skin, can be eased by thorough cleansing every night, using facial moisturizer, and using an eye moisturizer.
The Sarcasm was great. Without Sarcasm he was boring.
The word sarcasm is a noun. Sarcasm is a form of humour.