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yes, just about all natural things do. kelp, fish, mayo, eggs, cheesecake probably better sources

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Q: Does saltwater shrimp have iodine
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Does shell fish have iodine?

salt water shrimp contain more iodine than fresh water shrimp

Are brine shrimp freshwater?

no, as brine shrimp are saltwater animals and will not survive in freshwater.

Do ghost shrimp live in saltwater or freshwater?

Ghost shrimp typically live in freshwater environments, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are not adapted to survive in saltwater.

Where are ghost shrimp found in the wild?

well saltwater ghost shrimp can be found ANYWHERE there is saltwater really. i dont know about freshwater ones though.

Do shrimp live in salt water better?

Saltwater shrimp live better in saltwater such as peppermint, brine, skunk, fire, camel, etc. Freshwater shrimp would eventually perish in a salt environment such as ghost, bamboo, cherry, etc.

Where can you find brine shrimp?

Brine shrimp can be found in saltwater environments such as salt flats, coastal lagoons, and saltwater lakes. They are commonly used as live fish food in the aquarium industry.

How many shrimp will give you iodine poisoning?

14,000 Shrimps

How do you convert a saltwater pool to a chlorinated pool?

Add alot of iodine

What in shrimp makes flamingos pink?

The pigment from all the shrimp they eat makes them pink; they are born white.

Why would I have a severe reaction to Iodine Isotopes durning a scan when I am not allergic to Shrimp?

Even though you may not have an allergy to shrimp or other shell fish, you can still have a reaction to the iodine isotopes. When a reaction occurs, there may be an allergy to the providone-iodine prep.

What elements are in saltwater?

I dont know but i think is iodine hi im austin

Can you feed a cat shrimp?

Yes. There's a variety of saltwater and freshwater shrimp. Some examples of saltwater shrimp are cleaner shrimp and mantis shrimp, and some examples of freshwater shrimp are cherry shrimp and bamboo shrimp. If you do get a pet shrimp, make sure you research how to properly care for the shrimp you decide on.