Not directly, no. Radiation has many side effects including nausea, weakness, hair loss, skin burns and reduced organ function. If the exposure is large enough, it can cause premature aging or even death. However, radiation scares can cause hysteria, but that is not a direct effect of the radiation.
When you go crazy on Google they will block you from coming on Google anymore.
Crazy as in not sane, no. Sugar can make them very hyper though.
No beer and no tv make Homer GO CRAZY!
How about Lilly and Isabella But if you want to go crazy make names like Hannahannaliea kutz or Joannelike Catz Just make up crazy names How about Lilly and Isabella But if you want to go crazy make names like Hannahannaliea kutz or Joannelike Catz Just make up crazy names
they make you go crazy. it is dangerous. dont try it.
rabies cat's and other dogs
A tumultuous relationship is one that can make you go crazy.
i guess.. all the crazy information and glitches make your game go crazy
pie? i like pie! it makes me crazy! crazy? i was crazy once. they locked me in a padded room full of pie! pie? i like pie! it make me crazy!...
They are Indians who dance and make weard moves to make people go crazy