

Best Answer

Nudism is another word of saying naked. People these days clarify nudism as nude whether or not wearing knickers or a bra it does not make a different whether you are showing your full body or just your stomach.

Another view:

Nudism is the practice of being nude in mixed company. Many people practice this as a lifestyle, meaning they spend a significant portion of their lives nude around many other people. In essence, you could say that nudism is tied directly into the state of being naked. However, most nudists live by a phrase that reads similar to "nude when possible, clothed when practical," which means that when there is a good reason to be clothed (such as cold weather, dangerous work, etc.), then they will be.

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Q: Does nudism mean complete nakedness
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Is nudism moral or not?

Nudism basically means being naked and seeing it as normal. For a nudism, nakedness is normal. For a person who sees nakedness as something perverted then it is bad. It is not a sin to be naked and find it totally natural and not using it as a form of perversion.

What does the word 'nudismo' mean in English?

Nudismo translates to nudism in English. Nudism is the practice of full nudity in daily life for optimum mental and physical health. Nudists do not believe that nudism is immoral.

What is the definition of nudism?

Nudism, movement that advocates the practice of living without clothes. Advocates of nudism practice for the physical benefit derived from exposure of the body to what they consider to be healthful qualities of sunlight and fresh air; in a wider sense, however, nudism is a philosophy and a way of life. The proponents of nudism maintain that clothing should be abandoned when not absolutely necessitated by the rigors of the weather, as it serves to focus erotic attention on the body, thereby exciting an unhealthy sexual prurience. The shame customarily associated with nakedness in modern civilized society results, according to nudists, from centuries of cultural conditioning against complete exposure of the body in public. Nudism, by correcting in its practitioners this false sense of shame, enhances their self-assurance and furnishes them with a new appreciation of the essential beauty and dignity of the human body. Critics attack the nudist philosophy as being indecent and the publications put out by the movement as obscene from msn encarta

What does uncover your fathers nakedness mean?

Leviticus 18:8 "Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy fathers wife, it is thy fathers nakedness" It means to sleep with your fathers wife (your mother) It refers to an incestuous affair.....gross!

Can my husband see my complete nakedness?

Unless you are extremely prudish or shy, there is no reason why he shouldn't, if you allow him to do so.

Nudism photo for 09012009?

what is 09012009? nudism photo is good. You may find the answer by checking out

What is best about nudism?

In my opinion, the best part of nudism is (or should I say - should be) social and body acceptance.

What does saw his nakedness mean in Hebrew?

This is usually considered a euphemism for sodomise, or anal rape.

When was The Nine Ages of Nakedness created?

The Nine Ages of Nakedness was created in 1969.

How do you say nudism in German?

Nudism in German is "Nudismus". Here is an example. "Deanie wonders if Mitch Longley was ever interested in nudismus."

What category is nudism in?

should be in lifestyle

Is nudism good?

In absolute terms it is neither good nor bad. However society has conventions that make nudism taboo in most circumstances.