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I do not think there has been any scientific study done on the effects of a life span after losing an appendix. Though they have done studies showing that your appendix is no longer needed, so getting it removed has no bad side effects. The only way you not having your appendix affecting your life would be if it bursts and u don't get it taken care of. A ruptured appendix can kill you if not taken care of usually rather immediate. So as of right now not having an appendix will neither kill you quicker or prolong your life. you die when it is your time and by w/e means it happens. Not having an appendix or having one wouldn't really matter if u get hit by a car tomorrow. So rest assured that you will live as long as u will live with or without your appendix.

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Q: Does not having your appendix make you die at a younger age?
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Yes. You can get appendicitis at any age (as long as you have an appendix).

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Does your appendix get smaller?

As people age, the appendix does tend to become smaller and less prominent. This is because the tissue in the appendix may shrink or become replaced by fatty deposits. However, even if the appendix gets smaller, it can still become inflamed or infected, leading to appendicitis.