Yes, unless the child has been adopted.
absolutly, he has more rights than a step father because he is the child's biological father, he has a right to see the child if he so chooses unless the court forbids it. everyone has rights nowadays, siblings have rights, counsins, aunts and uncles even grandparents.
Her son's father and her husband is David W. Donoho.
If I am male, then my son's father has to be me, so I am Alex. If I am female, then my son's father is my husband, so I am Alex's wife.
Kevin Federline is the former second husband of Britney Spears and the father of her two sons.
Simon Halls and his husband Matt Bomer are parents to three sons. The biological mother of their children has not been publicly disclosed.
Yes, they were. They were the sons of Leda. One had Zeus for his father, the other Leda's husband, King tyndareus of Sparta.
No. It's always the biological parents who first has the obligation to support their child, not the state.
Maurya is the most important character in this play. She can not sleep because she is suffering. She faces the death of all her six sons and her husband and her husband's father.
As a biological father you have the right to be able to see and spend time with your son no matter what the mother thinks. If she wants to push the matter, you can take her to court and get custody or visiting rights.
Adoption is a court procedure among other things and because of that there are certain things the court wants to be sure of before allowing for an adoption and at the top of that list is the status of the child's biological parents. It is becoming more common for parents to remarry and have their new spouse adopt their child from a previous relationship. In order for a stepparent to adopt, he or she will need the written consent of the other biological parent. If this consent is denied, the stepparent must petition the court to terminate the parental rights of the biological parent, unless those rights have already been terminated as part of the divorce.