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yes, also if it is made with egg or egg yolk !

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Q: Does milk make bread mold faster?
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Why does milk spoil faster then cheese and bread?

The other foods cant be exposed to air in order for it to mold. the milk can.

Why does milk spoil faster then cheese bread and banana?

The other foods cant be exposed to air in order for it to mold. the milk can.

Will mold grow faster on white bread wheat bread or buttermilk bread?

Mold will grow faster on white bread.

Why does milk make bread mold?

well you can mold it under a heat lamp but you might toast your bread so be careful on heat

Why does mold grow faster on bread soaked in milk?

Because milk has lactose which is a type of sugar. It also adds moisture. Both sugar and moisture are needed for mold to grow.

Does banana bread have yeast in it?

yes yeast does make a banana mold faster idk why but i tested it and it does mold faster <3ciewa harris

Which bread will mold faster white or wheat?

Wheat bread molds faster.

Does bread mold faster in damp or dry areas?

Wet will mold faster as the moisture accelerates the growth (especially in a dark environment)

Does wheat bread grow faster in heat or in the cold?

In heat because the moisture in the air will make the bread mold

Will white rye or wheat bread mold faster?

White bread molds faster because it has more dairy in it causeing it to mold.

How can you make bread that mold?

any bread molds after about a week if you want it to mold faster keep it damp...if you want it to mold less keep it dry...little fun fact no preservative wheat bread molds the fastest

Which grows faster Penicillium mold or bread mold?

I think Penicillium mold grows faster than bread mold!!!!!! Actually bread mold is just a general term. There any many species of mold that grow on bread, penicillium being one of them. Mold grows well in moist, warm, dark places.