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Q: Does masturbabting destroy anything in your body?
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it will destroy anything in its path

Did Thomas Becket destroy castle?

No, Becket was not a soldier and he did not destroy anything.

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Are you looking for anything in particular that one can't destroy? Because a mission can just about blow up anything.

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Get supplies by looting, then destroy anything else of value

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a hurricane can destroy pretty much anything in ins path

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Yes cause he has infinite power that will destroy everything in his path.

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They can destroy anything in their path.

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One who can create anything n destroy anything.

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Destroy it.

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They are just given the blood that they need and it will not effect anything in them.

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Surround it with torches, which will stop anything from spawning, then simply destroy it with a pick.

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Theoretically, a black hole can destroy anything.