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There's a lot we don't currently know about lymphoid (ED3) Macrophages but it's relatively safe to assume that they do not have any major role in secreting antibodies.

Macrophages tend to engulf and enzymatically destroy foreign objects in the body, this is their major purpose, if that object is coated in antibodies they're better at destroying it but they do not produce those antibodies themselves.

The only real way that macrophages affect antibody production is that after destruction of intruder they'll present elements of the intruder to another variety of immune cell which will then go on to produce antibodies, it's also possible that they will produce interleukins or other compounds to upregulate antibody production but again: macrophages are not known to produce antibodies.

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Q: Does lymphoid macrophages secrete antibodies into the blood?
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Phagocytes use phagocytosis, also Macrophages (or white blood cells) use phagocytosis to engulf and destroy pathogens.

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There are two types of white blood cell. The kind which secrete antibodies to kill microbes are called lymphocytes. The other type, which engulf microorganisms, are called phagocytes.*Specifically, the type of lymphocyte (white blood cell) that produces antibodies would be plasma cells. After a B cell (a type of lymphocyte) undergoes clonal selection, the result is the formation of a clone of B cells that consists of plasma cells and memory B cells. Plasma cells secrete antibodies and memory B cells do not secrete antibodies.

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The lymphocyte is the main cell of the lymphoid tissue.Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell which produce antibodies to kill any pathogens which invade the body.They are small white blood cells which have large nuclei, but no granules.They produce antibodies that fight disease and harmful microbes in the body or mark the disease for the phagocytes to engulf.

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The WBC's (White Blood Cells) enter the area with the bacteria. When the reach, they give off antibodies, which then go and attach to the bacteria. This stops the bacteria. Then the macrophages, or the largest WBC's devour the bacteria along with the antibodies. A chemical in the macrophage causes the bacteria to dissolve.

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Which white blood cells turn into macrophages in tissue?

Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that begin their lives as monocytes. monocytes develop into macrophages or dendritic cells. For stem cells, please visit BOC Sciences

Which cells make antibodies?

B lymphocytes are the white blood cells that produce plasma cells that produce antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins that recognize foreign materials and help the body destroy or neutralize them. The type of white blood cell that secretes antibodies to kill microorganisms is called lymphocytes. The other kind of white blood cell is called the phagocyte, which kills pathogens by engulfing them (basically, "eating" the microbe).

Red blood cells are called macrophages true or false?

FALSE macrophages are white blood cells that are a part of the immune response system.

Why would you not expect to see tissue macrophages in a blood smear?

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