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Q: Does lead poisoning go away
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Is Lead poisoning a disability?

lead poisoning does not go away in a couple of days it is a serious illness that causes disabilities my son has a lead level of 24 and it has been that way for over a year he has all kinds of problems

Is lead poisoning considered a disability?

lead poisoning does not go away in a couple of days it is a serious illness that causes disabilities my son has a lead level of 24 and it has been that way for over a year he has all kinds of problems

Is there a cure for Mercury poisoning?

Certain prescription medcine do help mercury poisoning go away. I beleive

Can a person with lead poisoning take H1N1 vaccine?

Only your doctor can advise you on this since the answer would depend on specifics of your particular condition. Ask the doctor who is treating the lead poisoning before you go to get the shot.

Who first had lead poisoning?

There is some evidence that ancient, prehistoric peoples who smelted lead and tin suffered from lead poisoning.

What should you do if some is having an alcohol poisoning?

Either go to the ER or go to a doctor right away.

Can you get lead poisoning from lead flashing?


What's Lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

What causes lead poisoning?

When a person ingests or breathes in too much lead for their body to naturally process, they are at risk for lead poisoning.

Can lead kill you?

Yes it can, you can die from lead poisoning from lead.

Does titanium dioxide cause lead poisoning?

I'm sure it can cause lead poisening and some other nasty stuff. try to stay away from it if your concerned though.

How does lead poisoning affect children?

lead poisoning in a child can lead to learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and even mental retardation. At very high levels, lead poisoning can cause seizures, coma, and even death.