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if you are removing it wear a mask. It is full of dust, spores and other debris. The older it is the more likely it is to have things in it considered toxic by todays enlightened standards

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Q: Does lath and plaster cause health problems?
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Can bolier be fitted to lath plaster wall?

Yes, fix it to the studs, NOT the lath

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Do plaster walls have studs, and if so, how are they typically constructed within the wall?

Plaster walls do not have studs like drywall walls do. Instead, plaster walls are typically constructed using a wooden or metal lath framework that is attached directly to the wall studs. The plaster is then applied over the lath to create a smooth and durable surface.

Does 1930 lath and plaster have asbestos?

Lath and plaster construction from the 1930s might contain asbestos, or it might not. It could have animal hair mixed into the plaster, instead. The only way to know whether a particular installation contains asbestos is to have a sample collected by a qualified technician and analysed by a qualified laboratory.

Is there a way to skim coat or tile over an old lath and plaster ceiling?

lath and mortar walls and ceilings have a greater flexibility than standard plaster. If you do plaster over it you firstly need to be very confident that the old mortar is sound and fully adhered to the lath. You would also have to seal the ceiling well to stop the water in the plaster from literally being sucked out of the plaster. Regarding tiles. If you are thing about ceramic tile then NO!. The weight of the tiles would pull the mortar from the lath with great ease. It is defiantly better to either plasterboard directly to the old ceiling and using dry wall screws NOT NAILS screw directly to the joist not the late you can then put a good scrim tale over the joints and plaster accordingly. The very best option however, is ...............drop the old ceiling, re-board and plaster

How do you remove mold from lath and plaster?

Squirt on vinegar and water (1:1 mix) with a squirtbottle and leave overnight.

What is used to cut holes in wallboard for boxes and to cut plaster and lath for box installation in remodeling work?

A keyhole saw.

How can I effectively locate studs behind lath and plaster walls using a stud finder?

To effectively locate studs behind lath and plaster walls using a stud finder, start by selecting a stud finder that is suitable for use on lath and plaster walls. Hold the stud finder against the wall and slowly move it horizontally until it indicates the presence of a stud. Mark the location of the stud and continue this process to locate additional studs. Be sure to calibrate the stud finder according to the manufacturer's instructions for accurate results.

Do you plaster over drywall when finishing a wall?

No, plaster is typically not used over drywall when finishing a wall. Drywall is usually finished with joint compound and then sanded smooth before painting or applying a texture. Plaster is more commonly used on plasterboard or lath and plaster walls.

Why is dry wall used in homes?

It is quicker and cheaper than lath and plaster, takes paint well, and can come in several finishes to resist moisture.

Is plinth wall a load bearing wall?

Lath and plaster is just an old type of wall finish. Like drywall is a wall finish. What the wall is constructed of underneath the lath and plaster and where it is placed in the building determine if it is load bearing or not. A lath and plaster wall could be load bearing or it might not be. IF it is an outside wall, it most certainly is load bearing. other than that, the best way to figure it out is to have a structural engineer tell you wether it is or not. Even if it is load bearing it may be possible to remove it if a beam is put up in place of the wall. Really, the best and safest way to decide is to have a engineer look at it.

A lathe is normally used to make walls?

chair legs and round surfaces such as table legs. round wooden surfaces