Yes. Over time the size and appearance of a woman's labia will change. Often times if the woman has had children the entire vaginal area will become wider and more loose with age.
The rush of blood into the labia caused by sexual stimulation can cause the labia to turn a dark color. If the labia belong to someone of a dark complexion, ie African American, Indian, etc. the labia may become black with age. It should also be considered that caucasian women who have more than frequent sexual activity can develop a darker color in their labia from friction, stretching and oversized, prolonged penetration.
The size, color and texture of labia vary from woman to woman. There is no 'normal' standard because of genetics. It would be like asking what is the cause for a long nose. However, friction from various activities, both sexual and non sexual can effect the size, color and texture of both the labia majora and labia minora. This is why some women have very small pale labia and others have very large, protruding, heavily textured/wrinkled labia.
at the age of 95
Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six. Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six.
Because it becomes "uncool" to like cartoons after a certain age. It's silly, really.
A Labrador becomes an adult at approximately 2 years of age.
Because the skin stretched itself to go over all the fat. If they loose all the chubbyness in one lot really fast, that's when the skin becomes loose, because it hasn't had time to make itself smaller again. All the fat is just gone, but the skin still remains, mind you the loose skin doesn't stay they're forever.
Around age 15
look for very fine cracks in tire sidewall ,also as tire begain to age the rubber becomes bridle, hard your auto will loose it smooth ride