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No. It can be a devout act of respect. Usually the kiss is on the hand, rarely the lips unless a family member. It is interesting to note in times past (Morbid romance) if not actually Necrophile, was a staple plot device in some novels, operas ( predictably, as these go for tragedy) and plays. Having the leading lady pass into eternity in her boyfriend"s arms was sadly, a staple plot device at one time. ( dead children were also) What you describe is an act of respect and love, not necrophilia- like the insane acts of ,say the Manson Murders.

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Q: Does kissing a dead person count as necrophilia?
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You won't get cold sores from kissing a dead person.

What is necromania?

It is the sexual obsession with dead bodies; necrophilia.

Is it wrong to be a necrophiliac?

Necrophilia is when a person has sex with a dead body of a person or animal. So..i hope that helps.

What do you call a marriage between a living person with a dead?

That would make you a widower. The only other possible thing it would be called is necrophilia.

Kissing dead people?

kissing dead people would be kinda nasty but if you saw that person dead and it just happen before 1 minute then kissing that dead person would be okay but when 1 year the body would be a skeleton by now.

Relations with dead people is called?

Necrophilia is the word you are probably looking for.

What do you call someone who has sexually desires for the dead?

Necrophilia, also called thanatophilia or necrolagnia

What can cause someone to commit necrophilia?

Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to dead bodies. It is classified as a paraphilia, and research shows that most people's motivation for engaging in the act is a desire to have an unresisting partner.

What is Sado Necrophilia?

Rape followed by murder is a famililar example. If the woman was raped after her death, ( this happened to Stacy"s sisters in St.Petersburg massacre) then it is definitely Sado-Necrophilia and downright perverted. Sado as in Sadist is derived from De Sade ( who was a sadist par excellance!) it does not derive from the word Sad. Sad it is though! Not to mention sick- raping a dead girl- I can see kissing her or praying over her body.

What is the disease where you want to kiss dead people?

Necrophilia is what this sexual attraction is called. It is classified as a paraphilia by the American Psychiatric Association group.

What is the medical condition where people sleep with dead bodies called?

Necrophilia is a mental disorder in which a person has a sexual attraction to corpses. It is considered a paraphilic disorder and is illegal in many places. Treatment typically involves therapy to address the underlying causes of the behavior.