Kip Moore's father's name is Stanley Moore.
Kip Moore was born in Tifton, Georgia.
Kip Moore is 36 years old (birthdate April 1, 1980).
Kip is a Methodist
Kip Moore is actually not very tall. He's about 5'10". I know this because I was at an after party with him one time.
Kip Moore is single. He and his girlfriend Courtney Scott split in May 2012.Kip lives in Nashville since 2004.
Kip Moore is dating Jilliane Friel - She posted on her twitter 2ed May that they we're going out
As of 2021, Kip Moore's net worth is estimated to be around $4 million.
where can i get the red sundress in kip moore's video of somethin bout a truck
Kip Moore is dating Jilliane Friel - She posted on her twitter 2ed May that they we're going out
No Justin Moore is an only child and Kip has 2 older brothers and 3 younger sisters.
Kip Moore has written: 'Second chance' -- subject(s): Escherichia coli infections in children