Yes it does, for awhile. You're pulling out hair after all, can't expect that to feel nice.
Not for me! When I had my Brazilian wax, it wasnt hurt at all
Does waxing hurt? It depends on wear you are waxing, and how many times you have waxed before. Now I am not going to lie to you, it does hurt at first, and if you are waxing on your upper leg, it probably always going to hurt, but the thing is, you get used to it after a while, no pain, no gain, if your someone thinking about waxing, do it, my 11 year old begs me to, and I let her, because you know, if you don't start early, it will hurt LOADS more when your an adult, trust me, I would know!
no it is really bad for your skis you will probably get hurt
The first time it will hurt a little bit, like a pluck, but after that it doesnt hurt at all.
Yes. By waxing cars too much, they will end up rusting.
Yes, but only for a few secounds. The skin of your underarms is sensitive. It kinda feels like ripping off a band-aid. If you REALLY need it do it,well, I say DO IT.
No! Waxing doesn't even damage your hair follicle, it does hurt, though after 2 or 3 goes, you get used to it, I am used to waxing under my arms, I am GETTING used to waxing on my arms, though I still find my legs painful, though after one more go(which is going to happen today... oh god!) I think waxing for my legs will get better!
really there is nothing else to do
lying on its bed with wax on its legs shouting ouch that hurt
the song was 'do you really want to hurt me'
Shaving or waxing. Tweezers if your partner is really bored.
sometimes, I've been getting my eyebrows threaded for a couple of years now, it only hurts a little bit, i think waxing hurts more, and your eyebrows come out better and neater if you get them threaded as compared to waxing. that's just my opinion OK I GOT MY EYE BROWS THREADED AND DONT WORRY IT DOESNT HURT AND ALL WAXING HURTS WWAAY MORE WHEN I GOT MY UPPER LIP DONE WOW IT HURT REALLY REALLY BAD ITS A 8 ON 1-10 BUT ITS GREAT AND WORTH IT HOPE THIS HELPS Ok I got my eyebrows down for the first time today . My mother took me to a threading place in the mall. At first i was scared that it will hurt but it didn't hurt at all not one bit . And this a person who thinks shots hurt. Hi, I got my eyebrows done for the first time a couple of weeks ago and to be honest, I was expecting it not to hurt because I'd been with my friend a few times before and it didn't look painful. I am absolutely terrible so depending on your pain threshold the experience will be different for you; for me, the pain on a scale of 1-10 would be about 6 or 7. Although it was painful, I was pleased with the results and I highly recommend it.
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me was created in 2005.