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Doesn't that question answer itself?

I assume that it would hurt at least a little bit. After all, you're getting SCREWS taken out of your FOOT.

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Q: Does it hurt when getting screws taken out after ankle surgery.. not the actual operation but post operation.?
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Related questions

When screws become loose after back surgery?

When screws become loose after back surgery you will need to go to the doctor immediately for another surgery. A screw fusion operation will fix the loose screws.

Do you have to wear a brace after scoliosis surgery?

After scoliosis surgery, it depends where they fused/placed the rods/screws...I had scoliosis surgery and I can crack the TOP half of my spine, but, the screws are at the bottom of my back and I am unable to crack it there. :)

Why are screws used in bunionectomies?

The toe bone itself is surgically shifted during surgery and screws are used to hold the bone in place after.

When is surgery necessary for a fractured clavicle bone?

not necessarily, it really depends on the fracture. you have to get an xray and if the broken parts of the clavicle are to far apart they wont heal on their own (nonunion) and surgery may be required. surgery may entail a plate and screws or a pin/rod of some sort. I suggest if you get surgery to get the rod. If you get the plate and screws you will have more healing to do after the surgery to remove it seeing as there will be holes in the bone...its like having two healing processes.

Is titanium used for back surgery?

Yes. In a spinal fusion, the spine is fused and held in place with titanium rods and screws.

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dont try it it screws up your game i just tried it :(

How much can you get in a lawsuit from a broken ankle that required surgery and screws place in ankle?


What is the difference in medicine from an external screw from an internal screw for an orthopedic surgery?

internal screws are fixed straight to the bone under the skin and cant be seen. External screws are also fixed to the bone through the skin and you can see them... this is easier to tighten screws and if you have a very bad break

What are clavicle surgery complications?

Complications with clavicle surgery include the bones moving out of place and causing pain. Some people have pain because they can feel the metal plate and screws put in to hold the clavicle. If the bones go out of place, further surgery may be needed.

Halo traction in scoliosis?

Basically a way of stretching the spine during fusion surgery to lengthen the spine for optimal correction. 2 screws in each knee one on either side of the patella, a metal ring around the head resting on the eyebrow, held in place by screws in the scull. doesn't hurt as it is done during surgery.

Holding a bone in place with wires or screws inserted during surgery is an example of?

Internal fixation is the process of holding bones together with wires and screws. Sometimes internal fixation is permanent and other times it is only temporary.

What treatment is used for scoliosis?

scoliosis can be treated 2 ways 1. bracing - a brace is fitted to stop progression of the curvature. this is generally used for younger patients who have not stoped growing or patients with a curve less than 50 degrees 2. surgery - scoliosis surgery is a last resort and is generally only performed if the patient has a curve over 50 degrees or if the scoliosis is causing problems for the patient. scoliosis surgery is a major operation which involves attaching hooks or screws to the spine and then attaching rods to the hooks or screws. the spine is then pulled straight and held in position by the rods in addition to this, if the curvature is very minimal, the patient is kept on a watch with the doctors and just participates in physical therapy to try to minimize it.