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If it has become swollen and infected yes, it does hurt. You asked if it hurts to have it removed...why aren't they opting to drain it instead? I just had one sliced and drained about an hour ago and I've gotta be honest; it was excruciating...but the constant pain I was in by having the inflammed Skene's gland was far worse and I felt relief almost immediately.

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Q: Does it hurt to remove a skenes gland cyst?
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Does hitting a ganglion cyst with a book hurt?

It won't hurt to actually pop the cyst (which sometimes happens on its own, by the way), but if you hit the cyst with a book you might bruise the area around where you hit it (just like if you had hit the area with a book anyway), or if you hit it hard enough you might break a bone (just like if you had hit it with no cyst). Hitting a cyst with a book is usually not done; there are other ways to get rid of cyst including a doctor draining it with a needle and surgery. However, unless you want the cyst removed for cosmetic reasons there is no reason to remove a cyst- it usually doesn't hurt and does not restrict movement (I should know, I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist).

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I had surgery to remove a quarter-sized pilonidal cyst removed and the procedure itself didn't hurt at all but yes it definitely hurt afterward. I was surprised to see the large black hole that was left in my back. Seeing the hole was very scary and I wasn't really prepared for it. If you have a pilonidal cyst removed then don't plan on doing anything for days afterward. It will hurt to move at all, you can't even lay on your back and bathing hurts, too, but it is absolutely necessary.

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Does it hurt to get a cyst lanced or drained?

No, you'll get anesthesia. No pain.

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You should have ob/gyn check out your Bartholin's gland for a cyst or infection. Although unusual, it is possible for the Bartholin's glands to become irritated or infected, resulting in pain.[4] If the duct becomes obstructed, a Bartholin's cyst can develop, and a Bartholin's cyst in turn can become infected and form an abscess. Carcinoma of the gland is rare, but benign tumors and hyperplasia are even more rare.

Why does your wrist hurt when you press it under your thumb?

You might have a ganglion cyst.

Is a ganglion cyst a disease?

No, it is not a "disease". You can't die from it, nor does it usually restrict activity. My cyst has been on my wrist for a few months now, & it doesn't hurt or anything. So, a cyst is really nothing to be afraid of unless you want to remove it for cosmetic reasons. I also had a friend who had a cyst on her wrist, and one day when she was lifting herself up into an attic her cyst popped. She said that she didn't even know it had popped until she looked at her wrist, she hadn't felt anything! So if a cyst does manage to "pop" on its own it won't be painful.

Does a ganglion hurt?

i have a ganglion cyst in my wrist, i had pain in my wrist occasionally and it hurt to move or push down on my wrist. i then noticed a lump one day and found out it was a ganglion. my ganglion cyst only hurts ocassionalyy

Does a ganglion cyst hurt?

A ganglion cyst typically does not cause pain unless it puts pressure on a nerve or joint. In some cases, pain or discomfort may occur if the cyst grows in size or is in a location that interferes with movement.

If you pop a cyst in your mouth will it hurt?

i just did it five seonds ago, it was painless

Have a swollen gland on the left side of your neck and it doesn't hurt to the touch what is it?

The gland is supposed to hurt if it is swollen. If a gland doesn't hurt to touch than you could have an infection. I got an infected lymph node last fall which let me becoming violently ill and I had to get emergency surgery to fix it. As long as you feel fine health wise you should be ok, but if the gland doesn't hurt to touch and you start feeling really bad go to the hospital.