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Q: Does it hurt to leave the PC in sleep mode every night?
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No but your hand would sweat all night

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Cause some people sleep wrong

If you wear a bra at night will it prevent sagging?

yes but you would have to wear it every day and night for 6 years

Does sleeping with makeup damage your skin?

Although sleeping with makeup on once or twice won't do much damage, making it a habit will. Makeup covers your pores, and pores make the chemical that moisturizes and protects your skin. Also, you can get acne if you regularly sleep with makeup on. So, try to remove your makeup each night!!!

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No milk does not hurt your teeth. However the temperature of the milk, if it is ice cold, may cause sensitivity to the front teeth.

What will happen if you leave mascara on when going to sleep?

You have to take off mascara every night because you do not want to sleep with chemicals on your eyes. The mascara chemicals can dry out your skin and eyelashes, or clumps of the mascara can get stuck on the surface of your eyes and hurt them. It's safer for your skin, eyelashes, and eyes to take it off and give them the night off.

What could cause your head to hurt and get worse when you move almost every night?

An injury or illness.

Can taking 2 Tylenol every night hurt you?

yes you will grow a second set of genitalia

What could cause your elbow to hurt real bad every time you move your arm has been hurting for two weeks did not hurt it that i know of?

you banged it in ur sleep xD

i have a bad pain in my back it only hurt when i try to sleep it keep me up at night?

You should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.

Did having black Friday on Thanksgiving hurt the economy?

Not really, but it angered many of the employees who had to leave their families at night to go to work on thanksgiving.

What do people say when sleep talking?

I sleep talk and it is usually about what I'm dreaming about. I have a phobia of falling and last night I had a dream of falling at my friend's house. I woke her up when I yelled "don't make me fall "IT'LL HURT"!