It usually depends on how well you can tolerate pain. For instance, I can tolerate it very well but getting your ears pierced is like getting a shot but with it not hurting afterwards. You will feel a slight poke in your earlobes and then the pain will be gone although your ears will be red and pulsey for a while, it does not hurt. I recommend getting both ears done at once to reduce pain but trust me, there is nothing to worry about.
It is true that our tolerance for pain does affect it, but another thing that effects it is how thick your earlobe is! If it is pretty thin than it won't hurt as much as thick ones, but it still does not hurt to much either way.
I just got my ears pierced tonight(well my second piercings) and it hurts for exactly 2 seconds. I was sooo worried for it but when I got there it was AOK. The thing that scared me was the gloves and the peroxide but 3 mns after both were done, I felt like nothing was there.... If you get the chance.... then get your ears pierced
I have a low pain tolerance.
I just got my ears pierced today, and I am 12. I'll tell you what it's like... to tell the truth, it does at one point hurt. But it only lasts like a millisecond, just a bit more than a shot. Just a little pinch. Then, your ears feel heavy and hot. About 5 minutes after, the heaviness and hotness wears away and they just sting a bit. Not like a painful 'OUCH!' sting, but just a little annoying stinging that lasts for about 30 minutes. The worst part is taking your shirt on and off for the first 12 hours when the hole is a bit sore. Make sure you don't catch your ears on the shirt, or brush it accidentally with your hand, because that will make it work.It's best to have both ears done at the same time, it'll be over quicker. If you do one at a time, you may not have the courage to pierce the other ear after you do one!
I got my ears pierced a year ago and everyone said it wouldn't hurt, but I think it did. Don't be worried it doesn't feel that bad, just like a quick shot of pain!! Then it didn't hurt again...until an hour or so later then it hurt like a cut for the rest of the 6 weeks they had to be in, also I developed a gooey lump on the back!!! It's ok though I think that was just me, lol, I don't think it was an infection though, just a side affect.
Mine were wonky so I let them heal up and are getting then redone today (a year later)!
No, And i know this i just got my ears pierced today so I can still remember. It feels like a pinch but it is only for 1 second it feels like stepping on a small rock. If i were you i would go to the doctors to get this done that is where i went. I say this because they use numbing cream as if you went to claires they don't so it helps alot. Also they use a gun but it is not like a reg one. It is a hand one where they throw it away after they use it or you can keep them for memories. Trust me just do it they look really cute and think of all the earrings out there.
Piercing the lobes stings a little - kinda feels hot right after, but it is fairly painless. The higher you go up the lobe and into the cartilage area I felt it became more painful and was sore longer. It is very important to keep the newly pierced ears cleaned several times a day and turn the post or wires so it does not scab up.
for most people it does hurt to get your ears pierced.
at beauty mart and no I wasn't scared when I had my ears pieced and it did hurt
it hurts less to get your ears pierced
No as long as you get them pierced at professionals who clean the ears first.
No not at all you just have to keep then moist.
NO! Anyone who would go out with someone or even just be impressed by a guys ears pierced isn`t worth dating! Another reason is that alot of girls parents wouldn`t let them date a guy who has there ears pierced like my dad! So I wouldn`t get them pierced plus if you do get your ears pierced it will hurt! I am a girl and like all girls I got my ears pierced and my sister`s ears got infected when she got her ears pierced and that REALLY HURT!
Getting a tongue piercin will hurt a bit regardless of what you've had pierced before.
I don't believe in forcing your child to have pierced ears (that is piercing your babies ears before they are old enough to say no, mom, i don't want my ears pierced) but if you pierce them young then the less it will hurt them (the younger you are the less it will hurt). It would be better to wait because the piercing will change as your child grows and they may end up being uneven.
You don't get them pierced that big it's called stretching, you need them pierced first. If you wanna get your ears stretched start with a small 1mil nn go up i will warn you that it does hurt
In the Catholic Church, there are no specific rules prohibiting nuns from having pierced ears. However, some religious orders may have their own guidelines regarding personal appearance, including the wearing of jewelry such as earrings. Ultimately, it would depend on the rules and traditions of the specific order that the nun belongs to.
are you kidding!!it can it will not hurt it but i would not recomndit can it will not hurt it but i would not recomndit can it will not hurt it but i would not recomndit can it will not hurt it but i would not recomnd