Yes it does! The fat causes pain to your stomach, to your back for lugging it around, to your legs when you walk, to your feet, to your self esteem..and the stretch marks never go away! Also you can only sit down and lean back, you can never lean forward because the fat shoves into your legs. That hurts.
you get a fat bloated tummy filled with air
unless your boyfriend is really big, just kidding but no it may feel like its going that deep unless he thrust it. it can hurt you tummy, but it can hurt your vagina. =)
a condition called IBS- irrital bowl syndrom. Not the lovelist thing BETTER ANSWER: i dont know
When Your Tummy Starts Too Hurt
no it'll hurt your tummy
you could be pregnant. take a test
A kitten may have a big tummy due to overeating, worms, or a medical condition like a bloated stomach. It is important to monitor their diet and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.
It mikes your tummy hurt
Bloat in puppies can be caused by eating too quickly, overeating, or swallowing air. It can lead to a serious condition called gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV), which is life-threatening and requires immediate veterinary attention. Symptoms include a bloated abdomen, restlessness, pacing, salivation, and difficulty breathing.
He takes 2 Tylenol or 2 Advil and lays down with a pillow under his tummy or a bag of hot water on his tummy. He gives himself a tummy rub.