Kei Inoo was born on June 22, 1990.
Kei Inoo was born on June 22, 1990.
Inoo Kei is currently dating a foreinger thhats not from japan her name Is Seira, he said it one of their Magazines Shojo. So she is the girlfriend of heysay jump, their were pictues of her leaked off the intertnet and shes very cute and looks like the type for inoo.
Kei Inoo is 21 years old (birthdate: June 22, 1990).
Yes he's dating a foreinger named seira
mali inoo....
I guess that depends what scandal you're talking about? There was a scandal a few months back with Miyabi dating Inoo Kei from Hey! Say! Jump although it was never confirmed to actually be her. Some people believe it was Fukada Saki, I believe her name is.
No, he has never been there.
No he hasn't got a girlfriend
the wierd visual kei person (a man dressed as a woman with make-up)
It is episode 12 part 1/3.