Some people are not quick to pick up on subtlety and need to hear a direct yes or no in such situations.
Once you're making out with a guy, you get sooooooooo into it You moan, make your kisses wet (not too wet), and sexy to make him want more.
Most girls do it so it will make the guy want you more and try harder for you.
if you want to make that guy jelous then like get another guy and when they guy you want to make jelous is walking by you guys quickly kiss the guy if you know him though and or just if you really want to make him jelous or even mad about getting you back with him.....DATE HIS BEST FRIEND.
Make sure you find a gal that swallows. I am a guy and we only want fin sex I am a guy and we only want fin sex
I wanna be the guy is a game that will make you shot bricks.
You can't make a guy like you or want to be with you. He will or he won't.
you could act like youre not interested! then youll make him want you even more which will mean he'll be the first to make the move!
Guys want to look cool. They think it will make someone sad so they can feel buff.
This means that this guy loves you and really wants i to work out with you and him.....
Because with girls that sense of challenge or the feeling that they can't have someone can make them want someone more, so guys do it to get girls to like them when the girl may or may not want them. But guys don't like it because chances are they like the girl and seeing them talking to someone else they think the girl wants that guy more and get mad or discouraged
You cant make someone love you...but if you want a guy to want you..all i can say is try to look your best around him. Make sure he knows other guys want you too. and when your around him...make yourself noticable and be happy.
Just by being a female.