It depends if you are tired because if you are then the koala bear won't wake you up but if you set your microwave to defrost then the polar bear will wake you! If you lock you door, the monkey might swing through your window and set your room on fire!
do what when stressed out or just for fun? Do IT you mean? oohh well both actually. half the people do it because they are stressed out and half do it because IT is fun.
It coud just mean your air filter needs replacing or cleaning ?
I think u mean what should we do to be happy... well, to be happy, just be happy! ^_^
it means its stressed
Humma doesent mean anything but it can mean humming a song? In my own language
she wants to know if your going to break up with her or if your just happy
a movie. but it could also just mean the someone id doing something just for someone else to be happy... a movie. but it could also just mean the someone id doing something just for someone else to be happy...
so you`re happy just because you have me? TRANSLATES TO if your only happy because ur dating her my opinion
It just means super happy!
If you mean that she is normally all over you but has just stopped, either she doesn't feel the same as she did about you or she is just very tired and stressed with school/work. If you mean you just started dating her and shes not it could be because shes just not that sort of person.
it might mean that it is either sick or even dying but be sure to not disturb it as much or you will just make it stressed out or it might even bite you.