No, it won't heal a wound, the body takes care of that. Honey in its raw, unheated and unprocessed form is a fantastic anti-bacterial treatment for cuts and scrapes.
When Kate fell down, she scraped her elbow.
Heal for the Honey was created on 2008-09-09.
Honey coats and sooths the irritation inside the esophageal airway. Honey does not actually heal the sore throat, it just makes it feel better.
about 4-5 weeks make sure the elbow is well iced Love always, Maddy900
Honey helps wounds to heal up faster
Brush your teeth/tongue, or maybe some ice.
5,000 years
1 year
It depends. The weenis (or wenis) is the slang term for the loose skin of the outer elbow, the olecranal skin. Normally this will heal fairly well if scraped. However, a bite that removed skin might require suturing, or even a skin graft, to provide sufficient skin flexibility for this important joint.
The question is little hypothetical.If you ask the minimum time for healing of elbow fracture is 6 weeks.Maximum can be anything,some time it may not heal at all.Usually comple remodelling occur by 6-12 months.
No Vitamin D is from the sun smart one and just ice your elbow and let it be for like 2-3 weeks