Sans the Skeleton
It fights off viruses and bacteria.
Israeli acute paralysis and tobacco ringspot are the viruses which are causing the destruction of honey bee colonies. They join such other viruses as acute bee paralysis, Kashmir bee, black queen cell, chronic paralysis, cloudy wing, deformed wing, and sacbrood viruses. The above-mentioned viruses merge with nutritional deficiencies, other pathogens, and pesticides in emptying hives of their honey-making occupants.
Nobody knows for sure but scientists think that it is caused by a combination of viruses.
Antibodies. which you know is a white blood cell that fights things that are anti-body.
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV is different from other viruses because it uses the part of our body that fights disease to replicate. Over time, the body is then less able to fight infection.
No, because the immune system fights of diseases, it produces antibiotics to get rid of things such as; bacteria, toxins,viruses and cancer cells.
white blood cells are the fighters of the body. whenever a virus invades the human body, white blood cells fight off the virus
Combat fights are fights where weapons are employed.
No, the immune system is not an organ. It is a system in your body that fights of viruses that enter your body. And example of an organ is a heart, or liver. The immune system are cells that fight off viruses that can make you sick.
White blood cells release interferons to attack viruses. Interferons are signaling proteins that help to enhance the immune response by interfering with viral replication.