It can decrease the sperm count, hence reducing the chances of fertilizing an egg.
Not necessarily - but it can cause erectile dysfunction.
Yes, it is one of several drugs with tranquilizing effects which can cause erectile dysfunction.
Diabetes does not cause infertility, but can cause erectile dysfunction. Men with this diabetes complication may have difficulty impregnating a partner, but are not infertile. It is estimated that 40% of men with diabetes also experience erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is an inability to get an erection that is good enough to achieve intercourse. The severity of erectile dysfunction can vary from complete lack of erection, to a partial erection that is not enough to penetrate your partner or is lost soon after you penetrate. Although erectile dysfunction is typically more common among older men, it can occur at any age. Erectile dysfunction can cause male infertility because it interrupts or prevents intercourse. In order to conceive a child, sperm must be delivered to your partner's egg during intercourse. Thus, problems that prevent or interrupt intercourse, cause the inability to deliver sperm to the egg and lead to infertility. Having an erectile dysfunction does not mean you are infertile.
Yes, medication taken to treat high blood pressure can cause erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of either adjust the dose, or trying a different med with less sexual side effects.
Impotence caused psychological factors can usually be treated with appropriate counseling and therapy.
Erectile dysfunction, commonly known as impotence, is a sexual dysfunction in which patients are unable to develop or sustain an erection during sexual activity. Many men occasionally have difficultly producing an erection, but true erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem. Men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction may also experience a decrease in their sex drive.What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?Many of the body's systems are involved in the process of sexual arousal. Hormones, the nervous system, brain, muscles and circulatory systems all play an important role in the development of an erection. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by problems developing in any of these systems or organs.Most commonly, erectile dysfunction is caused by physical problems. Heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, drug or alcohol abuse, multiple sclerosis, low levels of testosterone, metabolic syndromes, diabetes and clogged blood vessels can all cause the dysfunction.Sometimes, erectile dysfunction can be caused by psychological issues. Feelings of stress, depression, anxiety or unhappiness in a relationship can put a strain on sexual relations. These strains can cause interference with arousal, leading to erectile dysfunction.How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?Doctors usually recommend treatment after completing a physical exam and taking a patient's medical history. If the doctor believes other medical problems may be a cause of the dysfunction, further testing may be required. A blood test can rule out hormonal issues, diabetes or heart disease as causes of erectile dysfunction. A urine test may also be used to look for diabetes. An ultrasound may be used to examine the blood flow to the penis. Some patients may take an overnight erection test to rule out physical causes entirely. During this test, a tape is wrapped around the penis before sleep. A broken tape in the morning indicates a night-time erection. Most men have erections while sleeping but don't remember having them. If an erection occurs over night, the cause of erectile dysfunction is most likely to be psychological, not physical.
An enlarged prostate can cause problems with erectile dysfunction, as it can put pressure on the urethra and affect blood flow. However, treatment options such as medication and surgery can help alleviate symptoms and improve sexual function. It's important for your boyfriend to talk to his doctor about his condition and explore all available options. You can also contact us on Call & Whatsapp: +91 9781078210,+91 9357738797, +91 9310123344
A varicocele is an enlarged (varicose) vein in the cord that connects to the testicle. Varicoceles are found in 15% to 20% of all men and in 25% to 40% of infertile men. When varicoceles occur in both testicles, they may contribute to hormone imbalances that cause erectile dysfunction.
Yes from personal experience I believe that this particular beer does cause 'performance' issues. I personally have managed to 'satisfy' my partner every single time except when I have Guinness.. I really would like more testing done though because I have stopped having this veer for a while now
One cause of erection problems could be erectile dysfunction. One can get checked for this by contacting their doctor. It is very treatable with medication.
No. Hydrocodone has no effect on the body's development during puberty. It will not cause you to be hypogonadal, or cause erectile dysfunction.