Since molds don't have an immune system, they produce antibiodics that kill bacteria.
Many people believe that feeding their animals a garlic supplement will kill fleas.
How they kill bacteria.
If garlic was poison there would be no vampires(: No, seriously, they wouldn't be able to sell it in a grocery if it was(:
Garlic contains a compound called allicin, which has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria by disrupting their cell membranes and inhibiting their growth.
You can use the spirit or Ammonia to kill the molds. Mold removal sessions can help you a lot doing these.
Rubbing alcohol will kill just about anything it comes in contact with. Apply liberally.
Penicillium and Streptomyces molds produce substances known as penicillin and streptomycin, respectively, which are able to kill bacteria. These substances are used as antibiotics to treat bacterial infections in humans and animals.
not garlic, but either a wooden stake or a flaming stake
Certain molds and soil bacteria produce antibiotics. These antibiotics are substances that can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria.
Although garlic contains allicin, a powerful antibiotic and fungicide, that gives garlic a great reputation as a home remedy there are some varieties of mold capable of invading garlic. Common mold infections include penicillium molds and black mold. Such molds render the clove or bulb of garlic unfit for human consumption, as said mold or fungi grow develop a strong resistance to it's antibiotics. Unless you are talking about mold or fungi know to be edible (corn smut, blue cheese mold), just avoid them, regardless of where they grow.
lol i know this question XDDD DDD DD