

Does fettle mean to clean

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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It can mean to clean rough edges, or in 'proper or sound condition'.

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Q: Does fettle mean to clean
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What do you do usually?

To fettle could mean to trim, condition or repair something.

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What does fettle mean?

There are a number of explanations - to remove excess moulding material from a caste. To repair the walls of a furnace. As a North of England dialect word it means to repair something oneself. It also means to be in good health

What does clean mean in reference to a car?

It can of course mean it is a clean car meaning it is not dirty. Or it can mean it is a clean machine meaning it is sharp of nice looking. It can also mean it has a clean title, meaning there is no lien on the vehicle.

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If it is you mean, it's clean by tidying things then you can't. If you mean, it's clean by cleanliness then tidy it up. And Vice-Versa.

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Depends on what you mean by "get clean"?

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