Touching your butt will not make it grow bigger. There are exercises that work your gluteus maximus which can increase the size of your butt.
You can make your bottom bigger without surgery by building up the gluteus maximus muscles. Climbing up hills is a great way to build those muscles.
The gluteal muscles (butt muscles) are a group of four muscles. Three of these muscles make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus muscle, gluteus medius muscle and gluteus minimus muscle. The fourth and smallest of the muscles is the tensor fasciae latae muscle.
The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the gluteal region, commonly referred to as the buttocks. It is responsible for hip extension, thigh abduction, and thigh external rotation movements. Strengthening this muscle can improve posture, stability, and athletic performance.
Yes we all it "hockey butt"... Hockey Guys in Levi's look great! Gluteus Maximus being worked hard while skating...
Yes. When people say "Glutes" it is just a shortened version for Gluteus Maximus which is the 3 muscles that make up your buttocks.
Muscles within the buttock region are primarily the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus and various other more secondary muscles. The short answer is your gluteus maximus aka glut max. as this is the big, superficial muscle that covers most of your butt.
The Gluteus Maximus is the muscle that makes up most of what you call a "butt". To make it larger, you need go up stairs. Using the stairs, you lift the entire body on that one leg and that is what the Gluts do.
The gluteal region is located on the back of the pelvis and includes the buttocks. It is comprised of the gluteal muscles, specifically the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, which help with various movements like hip extension, abduction, and rotation.
Do exercises designed to target the Gluteus Maximus! The largest muscles in your body are in your behind...THEY WILL GROW with regular, specialized exercises! GUARANTEED!
Injections, aging, or becoming fat.
Any PLastic surgeon . you know there are natural ways to get a bigger bottom