No. My didjeridoo does not have knees. Neither does my can opener.
neelpronounced like kneel, when your on your knees and everything
Because of everything she had been through ans she got on them knees :)
i read up on the meaning of getting on one knee and proposing to your girlfriend and getting on both knees when praying to God. When you get on one knee to propose you are showing her that you submit to her, but also stand ready. Getting on both knees signifies complete and total submission to God. Your life and everything in it you submit to God. Hope this helps
Just about everything you can imagine ... broken bones, sprained ankles and knees, torn ligaments in ankles and knees, separated shoulder, concussion, pulled muscles (usually hamstrings and groins), and the dreaded turf toe.
Yes, giraffes do have knees.
On My Knees was created in 411.
Yes, dwarfs do have knees.
Eskimos are humans, humans have knees. Unless you were born with a disablilty or had a freak accident, you have knees.
In the knees
On his or her back with their knees flexed
The Apostle James was so dedicated to prayer that it is said that his knees were calloused from time spent in prayer--on his knees. He prayed so long and so much that his knees were known as the camels knees