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Q: Does everyone have the same need?
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Does same and equal have the same meaning?

No, fair means everyone gets what they need, equal means everyone is treated the that fair?

Why do we need the calendar?

We need a calendar so everyone knows what day it is. We all have to be on the same day or there would be mass confusion.

Is your sentence correct-everyone are not the same?

No, correct usage would be "...everyone is not the same"; as in, "Aren't you glad that everyone is not the same?".

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Good communication benefits everyone on a building site. This is due to the fact that, if everyone communicates well, the whole crew will be on the same page and everyone will know what they need to be doing.

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you don't need to be 'pretty' just have a really awesome personality and treat everyone the same and everyone will see the beauty within you!

Why are gay people falling into sex?

For the same reason everyone else is: love, attraction, physical need.

Do everyone see the same rainbow?

No, different people may see slightly different rainbows depending on their viewing angle and distance from the rainbow. Each person's perspective will affect the portion of the rainbow they are able to see.

What are the problems during menstruation and what they do about this problems?

Ok:) you don't need to worry because everyone's menstruation or period is different don't worry not everyone is the same^^ hope this helped!!:)

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No, everyone is playing the same puzzle with the same word. 

What happens when other scientists achieve different result when repeating an investigation?

They will need to keep redoing it until everyone has the same answer

Why are Romanians motivated to obtain a job?

The same reasons everyone else is: they need money to pay bills and support their life.

What happens when other scientists achieve different results when repeating an investigation?

They will need to keep redoing it until everyone has the same answer