Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral, due to this it is present in the atmosphere and potentially you will breath in a very small amount of asbestos in everyday life.
This should not cause any health problems
Asbestos fibers are a known carcinogen. It is highly dangerous.
You do breathe when you sleep. Everyday you breathe so you don't always "sleep when you breathe".
You breathe air everyday
you breathe
Yes, Contact your Doctor Long term exposure can cause mesothelioma
Yes, matter affects everyone's everyday life in many ways. We interact with matter when we eat, breathe, touch objects, and move around. The physical properties of matter determine how we experience the world around us.
Yes. You breathe in dust, pollen and sometimes you get allergies from them but you can definitely smell them.
Particles in the air contain oxygen, which enable us to breathe.
Your diaphragm helps you breathe the air you need every day.
You cannot protect yourself fully from aluminum particles, since they can be found in the air we breathe.
Oxygen Everyone Breathes It In :D
This question cannot be answered. Some people have breathed a lot of asbestos and never developed disease. Others breathed relatively small amounts and died form mesothelioma or lung cancer. In any case, the ill effects from asbestos are not immediate and you will not drop dead while breathing any amount of asbestos. The diseases develop 10 you 40 years after exposure begins.