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Under some conditions ecstasy (MDMA - 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine) can cause abnormally high temperatures, and abnormal blood chemistry. Continuous activity without sufficient rest or rehydration may cause the body temperature to rise to dangerous levels, and loss of fluid due to excessive perspiration puts the body at further risk. Also, the effects of the drug may keep you from noticing until the conditions are well-advanced, perhaps to the point of collapse. Diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine make it even more dangerous. Uncontrolled high temperatures can cause brain damage and death.

The long-term effects, if any, of habitual MDMA use are still under debate. It appears that the biggest dangers are those outlined above, especially given the drug's use at raves and dance clubs, etc.

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Q: Does ecstasy cause permanent brain damage?
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