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Q: Does echinacea help hot flashes
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Does tylenolPM help with hot flashes at night?

No, don't think so. Good for sleep, though. Soy is good for hot flashes. Why not get hormone replacement? I am on it and have had no problems. See your doctor for info on help with hot flashes and HR.

Does echinacea cure chlamydia?

Echinacea will not help kill chlamydia.

Are there herbal supplements that reduce hot flashes?

There are many different herbal remedies to help with hot flashes. One of the best is a tea made with black cohosh.

Can you have hot flashes at 70?

Hot flashes can be caused by many medical conditions. Only one of them is menopause. If new hot flashes have appeared or you are concerned about them, seek the help of a physician who knows your medical history.

What causes hot flashes?

One main reason for hot flashes is menopause. Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of hot flashes.

Can i have hot flashes removed from my body?

No, hot flashes can't be removed from the body. You will need to go to your MD to find out why you are having hot flashes.

What are some natural treatments for hot flashes?

Making sure you live a healthy lifestyle is the first most important and natural way to help with the hot flashes. Tobacco, heavy alcohol consumption, stress, etc. can make hot flashes worse. So you want to be sure that you eat healthy and exercise regularly. Rhythmic breathing exercises can be a big help by reducing stress, meditate, and relaxation which then reduces your flashes.

What is there to take for men who have hot flushes to relieve these hot flushes?

One thing a man can help his hot flashes, is testosterone replacement(when men get hot flashes it comes when hormones get low). There is some natural suppliments, black cohosh, soy, wild yams. Also B6 vitamin, or a B complex vitamin can help.

Is there a tea that helps with hot flashes?

Sage tea is supposed to help, however the taste is NOT pleasant.

Does melatonin help with hot flashes due to menopause?

Yes, you can take supplements to get rid of hot flashes. Herbal supplements are advisable as they do not have side effects. Femestra that contains natural rice bran oil helped both me and my sister

Are hot flashes hyperthermia?


If IUD come out of cervix can it cause hot flashes?

An IUD removal will not cause hormonally-based hot flashes.