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Q: Does diclofenac has traces of cocaine?
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How long will traces of cocaine stay in a urine sample?

a week

Can smoking money get you high?

Most likely not, as even though most American dollar bills have traces of cocaine on them, most of them probably wouldn't have strong enough traces

Will diclofenac epolamine show up on a drug test?

Don't know about the epolamine. Can't find in my drug book. Diclofenac though, is part of diclofenac potassium, and diclofenac sodium, which are non-steroidal anti-inflammatories(NSAIDS). I can't locate any literature that says there is anything in them that would show up on a drug test. Most drug tests are highly specific. They look for THC, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, and barbituates. Normal NSAIDS have NONE of those as ingredients.

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remafen diclofenac it for what

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Is diclofenac potassium is more powerful than diclofenac sodium?

Case to case basis. In my case diclofenac potassium is more powerful than diclofenac sodium.


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Whitney Houston autopsy?

Whitney Houston was found to have traces of cocaine and prescription medication in her system at the time of her death. It was reported that her overdose was accidental.

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