Sometimes, with depression, it depends on how chronic the level of depression is before medicine and therapy come into place. In most cases, a doctor will either prescribe an anti-depressant or refer you to a therapist.
You shouldn't take any medicine if you don't need it. Also why would you be taking depression medicine if you don't have depression? You need to talk to your doctor about why you are taking it, and if you really need it or not.
Yes, Proactive works for many people, however some people require prescription medicine.
Yes, Fighting depression naturally is alot safer then taking a whole coaktail of medicine. Find a hobbie you really like, go out with friends more, do whatever it is that makes you happy.
Nerve problems would probably be best treated by a neurologist and depression can be treated by a psychiatrist, a family physician, or an internal medicine physician, but a psychiatrist might be the way to go for depression.
Not Really, we are in a recession but not a depression.
Hippocrates a Greek physician known as 'Father of Medicine'
Patients with depression usually require six to 12 treatments
Depression is caused by a variety of chemical imbalances in the brain. It makes people feel really, really sad.
Subsyndromal depression is a condition in which an individuals shows signs of depression but not severe enough to require a diagnosis and treatment.
This is a manic depression medicine. For biopolar disorder.
Yes, studying cardiology requires studying medicine.