Typically it does not. When Cocaine is taken through the naval cavity the molecules latch onto the serotonin receptors blocking there ability to detect serotonin. This causes an almost steady release of serotonin creating an overwhelming sense of euphoria and content with ones being. When you eat this also happens but not quite to this extent. Regular hunger will set in once the effects of the cocaine diminish.
Cocaine i a powerful drug and the use of it can lead to death.
Cocaine suppresses the appetite, you don't get hungry taking it therefore eat less. You are as good as starving yourself.
You get tired really fast. You will also get hungry , have depression, get a dry mouth, and have headaches, and heart attacks.
The active chemical in cocaine is called cocaine hydrochloride.
cocaine + anything else
am is a be verb. The present be verbs are: am -- I am hungry is -- He is hungry. She is hungry. It is hungry are -- They are hungry. We are hungry. You are hungry. The past be verbs are: was -- I/he/she/it was hungry were -- They/we/you were hungry.
36 ounces of cocaine or a Brick of drugs usually Cocaine
No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant.
It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.
No, it does not contain cocaine.
It comes as pure white crystalline powder. Cocaine HCl (or Cocaine Hydrochloride) is your answer.