Cholesterol level cannot really drop or go up a lot in a day. So there is no way for it to directly affect hunger.
High blood cholesterol itself does not cause symptoms, so many people are unaware that a variety of things can affect the cholesterol levels in your blood.
You can learn more about cholesterol level at It has everything you would need to know about cholesterol including the normal and healthy level of cholesterol.
They have an extremely low blood cholesterol level.
Not really sure, but my level and 3 siblings have had cholesterol readings of 13.5, therefore classified as familial cholesterol.
Fatty foods such as fried foods, high fat desserts, junk food contains more of fat which are bad for health. They tend to increase your weight, increases your total cholesterol level and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in your body. And increased cholesterol level will increase the risk of getting heart diseases, diabetes and other diseases too.
A desirable cholesterol level is below 200 milligrams, if you are above 240 milligrams then you have a high level of cholesterol. It's important to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level, especially if you have other risk factors for developing heart disease. For more information on cholesterol levels click on this link
Dietary cholesterol
Everyone should know what their cholesterol level is. If you are unsure of your current cholesterol level, you can visit your family physician to get tested.