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no, it may cause hair loss, teeth cancer, and a lot of other things, but it does not help u lose weight.

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Q: Does chewing tobacco cause weight loss?
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Can tobacco cause weight loss?

The only way tobacco can cause weight loss is if you chain smoke & don't eat.

Is chewing tobacco bad for your jaws?

Yes, chewing tobacco can be harmful to your jaws. It can contribute to oral health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and even loss of jaw bone. The constant pressure and friction from chewing tobacco can also lead to issues with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and cause pain and discomfort in the jaw area.

Can chewing gum increase weightloss?

Well, chewing gum can cause weight loss indirectly, as once you starting chewing sugar-free gum. Your brain gets a vivid sensation that you are eating so the satiety center is activated and it doesn't cause hunger pangs or uncontrollable hunger. Some people have the urge and miss chewing so they end up eating a high-calorie meal to satisfy that want. In such cases chewing gum is a good option. If you are looking for better and more efficient weight tips you can follow these as they helped me out a lot during my weight loss jounrney. mangoclinic(dot)com/successful-weight-loss-journey-tips/ I hope this helps you out!

Is it good to chew skoal or not?

Actually chewing it? i doubt it would be any worse than dipping it. If you're talking about rubbing (chewing is a whole different type of tobacco, it comes in pouches) then no it's not good for you. There's a chance it can cause gum cancer, tooth decay, and gum loss. == == == ==

Does gum cause weight loss?

well it might help your jaw muscles get stronger by chewing but overall gum even has calories like the 5 gum has 5 calories(:

Can you sue a tobacco company for the loss of your teeth?

no it even says on the tin cans that they do cause harm so if you could sue tobacco companys for the loss of your teeth then every tobacco user would sue

Does Tenex cause weight loss?

Tenex is a blood pressure medicine and has not been shown to cause weight loss. Just the opposite, it has been known to cause weight gain.

Does thyroid problems can cause weight gain or loss and fatigue?

An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain

Why does working out not cause weight loss?

It does

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Yes, rapid weight loss can cause adrenal fatigue. It can be extremely dangerous.