There are many places where one can find information on how to stop sweating. One can find information on how to stop sweating at popular on the web sources such as Web MD and Mayo Clinic.
The best way to stop sweating is to not think about sweating. The reason you sweat is because of the ideas you run about it. If you keep your mind free of all the thoughts you can become dry and not sweat. <a href=""/>Stop Sweating by utilizing the brain</a>
To stop sweating in a vagina you should have bath regularly especially during mensturals and especially intake of vitamins is necessary..
drink some water
a camel needs thick fur to stop it from sweating to much, thussaving water. also it reflects sun rays.
To stop sweating is not healthy as sweating is the bodies natural way to cool itself, but there are different things you can do to stop sweating so much. You can prevent excessive sweating of the head with some small adjustments to your everyday routine, like using an antibacterial soap like Safeguard and using a loofah (this keeps your pores clear so your skin can "breathe" and keep you cooler). You can also be sure to wear light colored, cotton, loose fitting clothing.
to stop horses sweating to much
Sweating is a natural bodily function controlled by the sweat glands, not by deodorants. Deodorants only mask body odor and do not stop sweating. When you apply deodorant, it may create a barrier that blocks sweat odor, but it doesn't stop you from sweating altogether.
ice cream :) or atleast its a good excuse
I suggest you take this up with your Doctor.
No - we continue to sweat throughout our lives.
You can't just stop sweating. It serves a major purpose in ridding the body of toxins and as a cooling effect to regulate body temperature. If you are sweating profusely under you arms or anywhere else, when doing very little in cooler weather (for example) you may have Hyperhydrosis. In extreme cases a Dr. can do a very simple procedure to sever the nerve under local anesthesia, that is in the affected area to slow down or stop the excessive sweating.