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Q: Does bleach kill pinworms outside of the body?
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Can clhorine bleach kill HIV outside the body?

Chlorine bleach has been found effective in killing HIV outside of the body.

What can kill C Hepatitis outside the body?

Heat, cold, soap, alcohol, detergent, bleach.. to name a few

What are five things that kill bacteria outside body?

Heat, UV Radiation, Vinegar, Bleach, Lysol.

Will bleach kill hepatitis B?

No, BLEACH will not kill Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. It a very strong and stubborn virus. Which can live outside the body in the air for 4 days. There are hospital grade viral-sides that supposedly kill most virus, but i have to question MOST....

What kills infective bacteria outside the body?

Infective bacteria outside the body can be killed by disinfectants such as bleach, rubbing alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. Heat, UV light, and certain antimicrobial agents can also be effective in killing bacteria.

Would bleach and water mixed together kill ants outside?

Bleach and hot water mixed together will kills some ants outside in your yard,however, it won't get to the source of the problem and kill the colony. Boric acid would be much stronger to eradicate an ant problem.

Can Clorox kill HIV?

Yes bleach kills the hiv viris out of the body,do not drink it.

Can pinworms kill you?

Of course it can! The worms will slowly eat u from the inside and it will reproduce in your stomach and soon their will be nothing left except bones and the yucky bits they didn't want to eat. So Yes

Is bleach used as an antibiotic?

Bleach is not an antibiotic, but it can and does kill bacteria. Antibiotics are drugs used to fight infections in humans and animals. The word for substances such as bleach that are used to kill bacteria outside of a living thing is an "antibacterial" substance, or antiseptic, or disinfectant. Bleach, even in dilute form, is a disinfectant for water, aqueous solutions, and on many environmental surfaces.

Can you drink bleach to kill parasites?

Yes. are you kidding? drinking bleach will kill you!

How do you kill bleach?

bleach cannot be killed

How can HIV virus be killed outside human body?

The HIV virus cannot be "killed" outside of the human body because it is not technically alive. However, it can be effectively inactivated using common disinfectants such as bleach or heat treatment. These methods help to break down the virus's structure and render it incapable of causing infection.