Rotten eggs, for some reason, strangely smell like rotten eggs. ha no rotton eggs smell like farts/breaking wind
roasted eggs
Farts contain small amounts of sulfur, which can create a rotten egg smell. Sulfur itself has a distinct smell similar to rotten eggs, and this association may be why we describe the smell of farts as having a sulfur-like odor.
Oh its not good at all, they smell like rotten eggs or really really bad like the mushroom farm.
The chemical that makes farts smell like rotten eggs is hydrogen sulfide. It is produced naturally in the digestive process when bacteria break down food in the intestine.
because the both have sulfur in which makes them smell the same
of course! who doesn't love the smell of farts in the morning! they have a smokey structure to them.
no they smell worse
because the both have sulfur in which makes them smell the same
poo and farts
poo and farts