until you mix it
Bad eggs don't sink they float.
float....when you boil an egg it starts out at the bottom and as the insides harden, making it ready for consumption, it will float.
The older an egg is the more likely it is to float. If it actually sits on the surface it may actually have gone bad.
An egg will float in water if it is old, as air enters the shell over time, increasing buoyancy. A fresh egg will sink in water due to its higher density. If the egg stands on one end at the bottom of the water glass, it is still safe to eat.
An egg will not float in pop (soda) because the egg is denser than the liquid, causing it to sink. In order for an egg to float in pop, the liquid would need to have a higher density than the egg.
An egg will sink in water but will float in salt water. An egg will sink faster in hot water than it will in cold water.
If the egg is good and not spoiled it will sink down. If the egg is spoiled it will float up.
It doesn't float or sink in the water that means that the egg has the same density as the water.
It sinks because the water is more dense than the egg in the water.
Objects that are more dense than water will sink, while those that are less dense will float. Eggs are more dense than water, so they sink. Water, on the other hand, is less dense than the egg, so it floats. This is due to the principle of buoyancy.
A Rock would obviously sink in water and a egg would float in salt water Believe it or not bowling balls that are denser than water float!